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Relaxed brief conversations designed to bring you the essentials. 


Not just another google search, but years of real clinical experience concentrated into short helpful videos

(all for under $50, including requests)

  • Surgery Instructions
    • Hysterectomy
    • Hysterectomy PostOp
    • Post Op Endometrial Ablation
    • Void less after Hysterectomy
    • Laparsocopy
    • LEEP/Cone Biopsy 
    • Tubal Sterilization
  • Contraception
    • Long Acting Reversible (LARC)

      • IUDs
      • Arm Implants 
      • Injectable Prog
    •  Permanent
      • Sterilization
      • Vasectomy
    • Hormonal

      • OCPs
      • Continuous OCPs
      • Remembering to take Pills
      • Patches and Ring 
      • Mini Pill
      • Lite/No Periods on OCPs


      • Pull Out 
      • Condoms 
      • Diaphragm
      • Spermicide
  • Weight Loss
    • Is it my Hormones?
    • What's a Set Point?
    • and PCOS
    • PostPartum
    • Best Exercise for Weight Loss
  • Pap/Cervix issues
    • Abnormal Pap -
      Planned Colposcopy 
    • Cryo
    • LEEP
  • Pain issues
    • Chronic Pelvic Pain
    • Dysmenorrhea
    • Endometriosis
    • Pain of Ovulation (Mittelschmerz)
  • General
    • I decided not to take my medicine
    • Is Natural Best?
    • I'm Healthy, I don't need a Dr
    • Cold Sores
      (Should I avoid someone with them?)
  • Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)
    • Genital Herpes New Diagnosis
    • Genital Herpes Long Term
    • Chlamydia
    • Gonorrhea
    • Trichomonas 
  • Bleeding Issues
    • Teenagers (coming soon)
    • After Children (IUD vs Thermal Ablation) 
    • After Menopause
    • Fibroids (Leiomyoma)
    • Fibroids: Shrinking with Lupron
    • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
  • Breast
    • Mammograms
    • Dense Breasts
    • Breast Cancer Gene Screening (BRCA)
    • What if you are BRCA positive?
    • Breast Tenderness
  • Menopause
    • Post Menopausal Bleeding (PMPB)
    • Vaginal Dryness and Estrogen
    • Osteoporosis Treatment - should I?
    • Are all Hot Flashes Menopause?
    • Pessary  for Pelvic Prolapse
    • UTIs in Menopause
  • Be the first to request
    • We'll add it!
    • (If we can)


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