Relaxed talks designed to bring you the essentials.

  • Less stress during your pregnancy
  • Proven mental and physical comfort measures
  • More personal time with your provider
  • Healthier you and baby!
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Growing list of  Prenatal Videos

  • Pre-Pregnancy
    • Alcohol and Pregnancy
    • Preparing for Pregnancy
    • PCOS & Pregnancy
    • Miscarriage Risk Reduction
  • Early Pregnancy
    • First Pregnancy Overview
    • Second Newly Pregnant
    • Ok Medicines 
    • Foods to Eat
    • Is Sex Safe During Pregnancy?
    • Early Pregnancy Bleeding
    • Change in Bowel Habits
    • Prenatal Screening Tests
    • Nausea & Vomiting
    • Nose Bleed
    • Headaches
    • Acne in Pregnancy
    • Skin Changes
    • Ultrasounds
    • Early Bleeding
    • PCOS and Pregnancy
    • Breast Changes
    • Dizziness
    • Dentist while Pregnant
    • Hot Tubs & Saunas
    • Cats & Kitty Litter
    • Painting while Pregnant
    • Myths and Wives Tales
  • High Risk Pregnancy
    • Pregnancy over 35
    • Miscarriage Risk Reduction
    • Grand Multiparity
      (≥ 5 deliveries)
    • Smoking
    • Twins
    • Two Vessel Cord
    • Vaginal Birth after
      Cesarean (VBAC)
  • Mid Pregnancy
    • Abdominal Pain in Pregnancy 
    • Abruption
    • Better Sleep in Pregnancy
    • Back Pain in Pregnancy
    • Kick Counts/Baby Movement
    • Laying on your Back
    • Heart Burn (GERD)
    • Rhogam for Rh-
    • Numbness in Hands
    • Hemorrhoids in Pregnancy
    • Placental Calcification (release soon)
    • Preterm Labor
    • Diabetes Screening
    • Joint Pain
    • Leg Cramps
    • Reducing Stretch Marks
    • Travel
  • 3rd Trimester
    • Overview
    • Breech Presentation
    • Brain Fog
    • Gestational Hypertension at Home
    • Gestational Diabetes Diet
    • Group B Strep Test
    • Scheduled Cesarean
    • Bag of Water Broke?
    • Am I in Labor?
    • Inducing Labor
    • Is Inducing more Painful?
  • Labor and Delivery
    • Pain Relief in Labor
    • Pushing Tips in Labor
    • Vacuum Delivery
    • Forceps Delivery
    • Cesarean in Labor
    • Emergency Cesarean Section
  • Postpartum
    • Discharge Instructions
    • High Blood Pressure
    • Anemia
    • With another child at home
    • Cesarean Discharge Instructions
    • Tubal Sterilization
    • Breast Feeding
    • Weight Loss


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